Plot occurrence count of distinct miRNA names over different thresholds.

  start = 1,
  end = 5,
  bins = NULL,
  colour = "steelblue3",
  col.mir = miRNA,
  col.pmid = PMID,
  title = NULL



Data frame containing columns with miRNAs and PubMed-IDs.


Integer or float. Must be greater than 0 and smaller than end.


Integer or float. Must be greater than 0 and greater than start. If start >= 1, plot_mir_count_threshold() plots number of miRNAs above different absolute thresholds, ranging from start to end. If start >= 0 and end <= 1, bins must be specified. If bins is not specified, bins is automatically set to 10. plot_mir_count_threshold() then plots number of miRNAs above different thresholds, ranging from start to end in n bins. If start >= 0 and end <= 1 and the value of start is too low for the number of miRNAs to be plotted, plot_mir_count_threshold() raises a warning, suggesting a more appropriate start value.


Integer. Optional. Only necessary if start >=0 and end <=1. Specifies number of bins between start and end. If start >= 0, end <= 1, and bins is not specified, bins is automatically set to 10.


String. Colour of bar plot.


Symbol. Column containing miRNAs.


Symbol. Column containing PubMed-IDs.


String. Plot title.


Bar plot counting the occurrence of miRNA names above different thresholds.


Plot occurrence of distinct miRNA names over different thresholds. These thresholds can either be absolute values or floating values between 0 and 1. If the thresholds are absolute values, number of distinct miRNA names mentioned in at least n abstracts are plotted, where n is the range of thresholds defined by start and end. If the thresholds are floating values, bins must be specified as well. Then the umber of distinct miRNA names mentioned in at least n abstracts over bins are plotted, where n is the range of thresholds between start and end. Overall, plotting can help in identifying if the abstracts at hand mention different miRNAs in a balanced way, or if there are few miRNAs dominating the field.

See also