Indicate if a miRNA name is contained in an abstract with "Yes"/"No".

indicate_mir(df, indicate.mir, col.mir = miRNA)



Data frame containing miRNA names.


Character vector. Vector containing miRNA names to indicate.


Symbol. Column containing miRNA names.


Data frame with as many columns added as miRNA names given in indicate.mir. Per column, a "Yes" or "No" indicates if the miRNA name of interest is present in the corresponding abstract.


Indicate if a miRNA name is contained in an abstract with "Yes"/"No". This requires miRNA names already to be extracted, e.g. with extract_mir_df(), and to be stored in a separate column, specified by col.mir. indicate_mir() adds another column to a data frame which bears the name of the miRNA(s) of interest. Within this column, a "Yes" or "No" specifies if this miRNA name is contained in the corresponding abstract.

See also

extract_mir_df(), indicate_term()

Other indicate functions: indicate_term()