Get SNPs from a data frame.

get_snp(df, row = NULL, top = NULL, col.snp = SNPs, col.pmid = PMID)



Data frame containing SNPs. If top is set, df must also contain PubMed IDs.


Integer. Optional. Specifies row from which SNP shall be obtained. Works best with a data frame listing counts only as from count_snp(). If neither row nor top is given, row is automatically set to 1.


Integer. Optional. Specifies number of most frequent SNPs to return.


Symbol. Column containing SNPs.


Symbol. Column containing PubMed IDs. Necessary if the data frame provided is not a count data frame.


String or character vector containing SNPs.


Get SNPs from a data frame.

  • If a data frame containing SNP counts as from count_snp() is provided, these SNPs are specified by the row they are listed in. To get the SNPs by row, set the row argument.

  • If a data frame with PubMed IDs is provided, these SNPs are specified by their top occurrence. To get the SNPs by frequency, set the top argument.

If neither row nor top is provided, row is automatically set to 1.

See also