Extract miRNA names from a string.

extract_mir_string(string, threshold = 1, extract_letters = FALSE)



String. String to search for miRNA names.


Integer. Specifies how often a miRNA must be mentioned in string to be extracted.


Boolean. If extract_letters = FALSE, only the miRNA stem is extracted (e.g. miR-23). If extract_letters = TRUE, the miRNA stem with trailing letter (e.g. miR-23a) is extracted.


Character vector containing miRNA names, if miRNA names are present in the string. If no miRNA names are present in the string, a message is returned saying "No miRNA found.".


Extract miRNA names from a string. miRNA names can either be extracted with their stem only, e.g. miR-23, or with their trailing letter, e.g. miR-23a. Furthermore, miRNA names are adapted to the most recent miRBase version (e.g. miR-97, miR-102, miR-180(a/b) become miR-30a, miR-29a, and miR-172(a/b), respectively).

See also


Other extract functions: extract_mir_df(), extract_snp()